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Chapter 42

Chapter 42: The Fading City (7)

“Sister, it’s not safe for you to be out like this,” Qin Mubai said, his smile fading a bit.

Ye Nianchu looked down at herself.

Is he worried about her safety?

Qin Mubai took out a shirt from his space and carefully draped it over Ye Nianchu.

That action seemed familiar.

Is something wrong?

Even though she was confused, she put on the shirt quietly.

A group of people in protective suits appeared at the intersection. Others began to move towards the alley.

This area will probably be sealed off soon.

Without stopping, they left through the intersecting alleys and side streets.

The chaotic screams behind them gradually faded away. Ye Nianchu was worried about possible zombie dogs, so she held her gun and led the way.

The road ahead was clear.

By the end of the day, Ye Nianchu went to buy another car, exactly the same as the one before.

The car salesman was surprised. It had only been a few days, and here was another large order from the same person for the same car.

On both occasions, she paid immediately after the test drive, without saying a word.

“Ms. Ye, are you sure you want to buy it?”

Ye Nianchu took out her card. “Yes, hurry up. I’m in a rush.”

“Okay, okay.” The salesman eagerly escorted her out and watched the car leave with a smile. It was great to have more customers like her—those who have money and don’t talk much.

“How much more gas can you store?” The car’s air conditioning was on full blast to keep cool.

The teenager in the passenger seat turned his face sideways and said seriously, “Don’t worry, sister. My space is about the size of a 60-square-meter garage.”

Ye Nianchu was momentarily surprised.

How many points did he use to expand his space?

Don’t players usually run out of points?

Under the last rays of the setting sun, Ye Nianchu brought Qin Mubai back to the hotel.

As soon as she entered, she checked information online.

“Take a look at the supplies. If you need anything else, I’ll get it ready by tomorrow,” Ye Nianchu said while typing.

Since this is a partnership, she wouldn’t act condescendingly.

Besides, he has plenty of space for supplies.

“Sister has prepared enough supplies,” Qin Mubai said softly. “I’m very easy to take care of.”

Ye Nianchu was focused on the news online and didn’t hear the last sentence clearly, so she responded vaguely.

The computer screen’s white light illuminated her delicate features.

Online news reported that a mentally ill man attacked people near the city center this afternoon, causing a riot. The patient was controlled 10 minutes later.

Ye Nianchu continued to search for news about strange diseases and animal attacks. As expected, she found no useful information.

It was as if these events never happened.

This morning, the news mentioned a strange disease causing skin ulcers and fingernail loss. It turned out to be zombies.

“The message is blocked,” Ye Nianchu said, frowning.

Qin Mubai showed her his phone and pointed to a map on the screen. “The zombies are coming from here.”

Ye Nianchu saw that the location was the outskirts of Sel City, very close to the park where the animal attack occurred.

“Have you been there before?”

“Yeah, I went there yesterday. There’s a lab underground,” Qin Mubai replied.

He had been investigating the zombie virus leakage this afternoon but didn’t expect to meet Ye Nianchu.

This sister’s luck doesn’t seem very good.

“You even managed to blend in—impressive,” Ye Nianchu said.

In other words, he knew about the zombie game before most players did.

"I was just lucky, and my professional background helped me sneak into the lab to find some clues," Qin Mubai said with a smile.

Chapter Navigation Previous: Chapter 41 | Next: Chapter 43


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