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Chapter 105

 Chapter 105: Lost Songs of the Deep (32) Ye Nianchu wasn’t sure what Qin Mubai had done, but all the sirens had taken a shortcut to the hole and jumped down. The seawater was about to reach the cargo hold. Clouds covered the moon completely, and a light rain fell from the dark sky. Ye Nianchu went to the deck to check that no sirens were left and then turned to head back to the cargo bay. Zhong Liang, who was standing at the edge of the staircase, saw Ye Nianchu coming down and felt relieved. He didn’t want to recall how Qin Mubai had dealt with the sirens earlier. A large pool of blood spread across the floor, and Qin Mubai stood in front of the stairs, holding a bloody knife. He tensed when he heard footsteps on the stairs. The ship was sinking faster now, and the sirens rushed towards them. "Sister." Qin Mubai handed a lighter to Ye Nianchu. As soon as the fire ignited, fear appeared in the sirens’ green eyes, and they hesitated to advance. Ye Nianchu threw the lighter, a

Chapter 104

 Chapter 104: Lost Song of the Deep (31) The cargo hold was now only occupied by Ye Nianchu, Qin Mubai, and a few unfortunate sirens. Ye Nianchu fired several shots at the ceiling. The iron blocks, weakened by seawater over time, cracked and fell away, creating a large hole big enough for dozens of people to pass through. This was part of the plan for the sirens. They wouldn’t be foolish enough to jump in right away; they would wait until the cargo hold became a more favorable environment. The right moment to act would be when the sea began to rise. Gasoline, with its low ignition point and tendency to float on water, would burn easily. Fire and high temperatures are deadly to sirens, so it wouldn’t take long to achieve their goal. Ye Nianchu glanced at a siren on the ground, gasping its last breaths and desperately calling for others. She continued to pour gasoline over the area. The sounds made by the siren were far from pleasant. The Ghost Ship began to sink. The sound of hurried fo

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Lost Song of the Deep (30) The Ghost Ship took three team members early in the morning. Instead of waiting, it’s better to take action and clear the sirens yourself. The sooner the equipment is fixed, the sooner you'll be safe. Gao Jiang felt more at ease now. As long as they didn't provoke Ye Nianchu and Qin Mubai, they wouldn’t be hostile. Taking advantage of the calm sea, Ye Nianchu and Qin Mubai had lunch. As night fell, they started the next round of clearing sirens. Their main goal was to find the sirens that had infiltrated the interior of the cruise ship. The sirens seemed to target the crowded areas. The situation was chaotic with debris everywhere. The sirens were smart enough to hide behind doors, but their fishy smell made them easy to detect. Ye Nianchu kept track of her progress; she needed to earn more points despite the exhaustion. Progress had reached 40%. She wished there was a way to solve this problem completely. Sirens live in water, so using f

Chapter 102

Chapter 102: Lost Song of the Deep (29) Zhong Liang had just managed to climb up and was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. He suddenly felt something cold and sharp on his neck, and the smell of blood was in the air. He felt an immediate sense of danger. "Calm down, calm down! Impulse is the devil," Zhong Liang said, trying to stay still and not move. He was afraid that the person he was facing might hurt him if he moved. "It's not a siren," Ye Nianchu said, pulling Qin Mubai. "Let's go back." Zhong Liang watched as they left, confused. Not a siren?  They were disappointed not to see one?! --- There were only about 50 to 60 people left on the cruise ship. Sirens could be dealt with, but Ghost Ships were a different problem. People hiding in the inner rooms were starting to lose hope. Even if they hid, they might still be taken away, and it felt like there was nothing they could do but wait for their fate. Attempts to escape using lifeboats ha

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Lost Songs of the Deep (28) "Do you think she’s telling the truth? Should we..." "Let’s wait and see what they do," Gao Jiang decided, looking at the gate. "It’s too dangerous to go out now. We might end up in a bad situation." A new storm was coming, making it risky to go outside. It would be easy to get caught in trouble. At midnight, the game entered its 17th day. There were six days left on the Goni’s schedule. Most of the cruise ship was now filled with sirens, especially on the decks and sightseeing terraces near the sea. The sirens, with their glowing green eyes, were clearly visible in the dark. After Ye Nianchu and Qin Mubai dealt with the sirens in the reception area, they saw a large group of sirens watching them through a broken glass door on the observation deck. Sirens are smart and can think. They didn’t come inside but waited outside. In this huge storm, humans had a tough time. After a few minutes of waiting, Ye Nianchu picked