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Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Rainforest (2) There was no sign of Qin Mubai. According to the system, which is generally reliable, he can't be far away and are probably on the boat ahead. At that moment, a middle-aged man stood on the deck with a small loudspeaker. "We have arrived at the destination of this expedition: the Rainforest. After the June rainy season, the river's average depth is 20 meters and is home to thousands of freshwater fish species. There are over 100,000 known species of plants and animals here, and snakes and insects are everywhere..." Aside from the middle-aged man speaking, everyone else carried a black waterproof backpack of the same model. They were all players. While the NPC was introducing the rainforest, Ye Nianchu took off her backpack to see what was inside. It contained a couple of chocolates, a bottle of mineral water, and a knife. That was it. With these items, she could last at most two days. As she opened her backpack, several curious gazes fell o
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Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Rainforest (1) The weather outside was hot. Ye Nianchu hadn’t gone out for a few days. Her daily routine involved handling documents, attending video conferences, eating, sleeping, and occasionally enjoying milk tea while playing games. Staying at home was quite enjoyable. Qin Mubai’s presence had also brought a bit of warmth to the otherwise cold villa. Since her grandfather's passing, Ye Nianchu had lived here alone. She only returned to the old house for a day or two during the holidays. The Ye family’s old mansion was halfway up the mountain, too quiet, and filled with memories. She didn’t want to stay there alone. 【Ding— Friendly reminder: You will enter the game in ten minutes. Please prepare in advance.】 Ye Nianchu looked at the milk tea she had just sipped, surprised. She picked up her phone to check the countdown. The remaining time quickly counted down to just ten minutes. A whole day ahead of schedule. Previously, the system did not provide voice prompts. Qi

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Reality When had they ever seen Mr. Qin pull out a stool for someone? "Duanlou is the leader and founder of Z," Qin Mubai said with a smile. "You don’t need to worry about the rules and regulations, sister." Sister? Aren’t you the only son in the Qin family? Where did this sister come from? The other three were slightly surprised. Duanlou first glanced at Qin Mubai, then looked at Ye Nianchu and nodded firmly. "Our organization is small, so we don’t have as many rules as the Shadow League. Don’t worry—there are no other restrictions except that we don’t allow internal killings." "Mr. Duanlou is an S-rank player in the Survival Game?" Ye Nianchu asked. Besides Duanlou, the other two young men also gave off a serious and capable vibe. Anyone who could sit with Duanlou must be at least A-rank. "You’re too polite. Just call me by my name," Duanlou said with a smile. "I haven’t asked how to address you yet." Mr. Qin on

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Lost Song of the Deep (End) After thirty minutes, the cruise ship slowly moved away from the storm. The bodies of the sirens were stacked in front of the two gates, and the remaining sirens eventually retreated back into the sea. Ye Nianchu's hands were so tired that she lost consciousness, continuing to fight the sirens purely on instinct. --- As the sun rose, it painted the clouds in bright colors, and a gentle breeze blew across the blue sea. Ye Nianchu closed the curtains and finally managed to get some restful sleep. On the 19th day of the game, the Goni was heading back to its original course. By the 20th day, the Goni was getting closer to finishing its journey. A soft breeze brushed across the deck, the sea shimmered gently, and a few white clouds dotted the sky with sunlight streaming down. Ye Nianchu leaned casually against the guardrail, her eyes reflecting the deep blue of the sea. She was unsure how many points she would earn this round and hoped it would

Chapter 106

 Chapter 106: Lost Song of the Deep (33) The gate shook from the impact. They were close to breaking through, but if the enraged sirens outside managed to rush in... Gao Jiang organized his thoughts and said, “We can’t continue like this; we need to fix these devices.” He wanted to suggest that Ye Nianchu and Qin Mubai go outside to deal with the sirens while he and his team guarded the control room and worked on clearing the area. However, he hesitated to speak up. Ye Nianchu and Qin Mubai didn’t even glance at him. Gao Jiang stood awkwardly, feeling helpless. Ultimately, he had no choice but to lead his people into the side lounge, lock the door, and barricade it with cabinets, tables, and other furniture. If the sirens broke through, it would be disastrous for the two outside. With the control room now quiet, the sound of the door being hit grew louder. Ye Nianchu pulled her gaze away and leaned back in her chair. Gao Jiang was right; there could be no more problems with the equipme